Sunday, 8 March 2015

Don’t feel sorry for me…

Its week commencing 16th February 2015, I’m over the St Valentine’s Day Seizure episodes, I am exhausted and I am scared, truly scared, my confidence is at a new low. I’m feeling trapped right now I cannot even contemplate going out alone now or to be honest ever again, what if I have seizure whilst I’m out? If I end up on the floor my body shaking will people just assume I’m on drink or drugs and walk by? Society has changed so much….

I have to try & motivate myself and I need my network of friends to get me through this week, Andy has to work, it’s a dilemma for him, he knows how ill I am but he has to work, we have bills and no matter how long I have remaining, Andy needs a job now and in the future, I appreciate he cannot put his work life on hold, he raised it in an earlier blog it’s frustrating that a couple can get maternity and paternity leave yet Andy and others in the same situation cannot get similar blocks of paid time off.

Thank goodness for friends, I’ve mentioned before that over the years my health has been problematical, on top of currently seeing a Neurosurgical team and an Oncology team for my Brain Cancer I have to see another two consultants this week!

Monday I have to see my Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Consultant Dr George for I have ‘RA’, I was diagnosed around 14 years ago, I had a collapsed lung, rushed in to hospital, It wouldn’t re-inflate and in doing tests found out part of my lung had gone ‘spongy’ on taking a biopsy the results came back that I had ‘RA’. I’ll let you read up on Rheumatoid Arthritis but a summary is it’s an auto immune disease, you have to be on drugs for life some not too pleasant I can tell you. So I need to see Mr George and I need a chaperone…

Well Its long overdue it’s time to introduce you to Olive, Letty or Collette, she gets called all things but she's always OLIVE to me, she is my soul mate, my confidante, my shoulder to cry on, she makes me laugh, she puts my life into perspective and she’s always there for me be it for a bit of retail therapy, or as my wedding day co-ordinator or just as a mate who’ll come with me to my hospital appointment(s)… I’m going to do a separate blog to feature Letty, it’s not fair to include all I need to in this particular blog, for now its suffice for you to know how special and important this lady is to me….

Letty and I headed to the hospital and I saw Mr George, I have to say he has a different manner to a lot of specialists but he is amazingly caring to my RA condition and also understanding of my Cancer diagnosis and prognosis. I’ll shout it from the roof tops that either a lot of nonsense is spoken about the quality of UK NHS care, or I have been beyond lucky in my experiences and trust me in the last ten years I’ve seen enough NHS Doctors and hospitals to know no matter the buildings, the conditions or moral in the NHS my Doctors, Consultants and Nurses are OUTSTANDING, I salute them all!

After the consultation we headed for a bite to eat and it’s time for my lunchtime steroid before we head home to continue our day together. I carry my day time (liquid) drugs around in tiny tablet bottles, I'm sure people stare at me and think 'Druggy'..

Tuesday was uneventful until the evening and I had another seizure. I am at the hospital tomorrow to see my fourth Consultant in two weeks for my fourth condition! Not long after I met Andy I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis, it’s a NASTY thing, its very similar to Crohns  disease, both attack your intestestines, again I’d say google it. Mine came on quickly and even the most powerful drugs could not bring it under control, without being blunt about it the loss of weight had me almost skeletal and had action not been taken well lets just say I wouldn’t have been here to get Brain Cancer… I was still living in Grimsby then, the end result of my condition was I had to have surgery to remove my colon aka the large bowel, I ended up with a colostomy bag on my side. Prior to the operation I spoke with Andy, this was going to be life changing, I told him if he wanted to walk away from this now was the time, he didn’t hesitate to reply he wasn’t walking away from anything, we were in this together… So vain old me size 8 in a skirt size 10 in a top with I was told a body to die for was suddenly having a very unattractive attachment added to my body with so many downsides but at least I was alive and I was loved by Andy. Bizarrely the colostomy bag has certainly helped in terms of my medication. We soon discovered that certain drugs including those coated were passing straight out of my body without dissolving! A lot of my medicines are now prescribed as a liquid…

I moved to the Wirral to be with Andy and I was referred to a Colo-rectal Consultant called Mr Walsh, the kindest, softest spoken and nicest mannered Consultant I’ve ever dealt with, his soft Irish voice helps too lol. Mr Walsh asked me back then, “So what are we going to do with you then?” I looked puzzled and he covered all of the options including building me an internal Ileal reservoir which would enable me to lose the bag and start using the loo again like most of you. I was, we were gobsmacked! I’d been told in Grimsby that my op was irreversible! Suffice to say around 9 years ago Mr Walsh changed my quality of life after a six hour operation by connecting everything back up! I'm me again, lol I am soooo vain hehe.

So, I’m due to see Mr Walsh on Wednesday morning, I had no one to go with me and I’d have to bite the bullet and get a cab and go on my own, this I was not looking forwards to but I cannot be a scaredy-cat (made up word lol) all my life. I woke up, I’d had a bad night after the Tuesday evening seizure, I was shaky. Andy took one look at me and asked what time my appointment was 09.15, his response was “I’m taking you; you cannot go on your own.” I felt so relieved to hear him.

We arrived at the hospital in plenty of time and Mr Walsh was on time, I'd not seen him for over three years. We waited in one of the examination rooms for couple of minutes before he appeared and pulled a chair up in front of me, his softly spoken opening words were “I’ve just been catching up with your file and you do nothing by half do you Julie?” I shrugged my shoulders “It’s life Mr Walsh” he replied “I know Julie but why is it some people go through life with no illness and yet you have to contend with all of this?” He didn’t mean it to be but with his soft spoken Irish accent it felt like sympathy not empathy. I replied “Don’t feel sorry for me Mr Walsh, it is what it is and I have to deal with it” He’s kindness itself. We got on to the topic of my bottom. I’d been passing a small amount of fresh blood; my belief is I’ve got an internal pile. Mr Walsh wanted to give me an examination today but I was very shaky and frightened at the prospect for if I had a seizure with a camera up my backside lord knows what chaos would have followed. Mr Walsh was understanding and suggested if I could go with it today he could get me on a course of treatment from today but he would respect my decision if I elected for him to do it in theatre either under a general anaesthetic or sedation but these options would cause a delay of around a month. He left us to think it over. I said to Andy, “I can’t do this today, I am scared”. Andy knocked the door to Mr Walsh’s office and informed him. Knowing I was seeing Mr Farah my Neurosurgeon the following week he asked us to enquire whether Mr Farah felt I should have general anaesthetic or just sedation. We left telling him we would get back to his secretary asap.

Andy dropped me home and headed in to work, I’m full of scaredeness (another made up word lol) , I need to get a grip I cannot spend my life telling others “Don’t feel sorry for me” to then spend my days feeling scared and sorry for me…

I’ve got next week to look forwards to as well. On Tuesday I see Alison my specialist Neurosurgical Nurse, Wednesday we have Andy’s brother Nigel, his wife Nunu and Andy’s Mum Maureen with us overnight. Nigel & Nunu have closed their restaurant in Taiwan for the Chinese New Year and we want to show them where their and their customers donations end up and how they are spent, also to meet our fantastic friends in the Clatterbridge Cancer Charity Office. On Friday I am seeing Dr Haylock & I suspect Helen.

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